It is increasingly easy to spend longer hours at work believing that will make us more effective. Or perhaps we have other daily demands on our time as we take care of life’s challenges. If we are not mindful, our own resources start to diminish and we spiral into poor mental health, or we choose unhelpful coping strategies which can lead to burnout. This workshop uncovers the funnel of exhaustion. You will learn about the steps you can take to help free yourself of the funnel and spiral upwards into more positive, healthy and sustainable ways of being.
What You Get:
Pam joyfully teaches meditation and mindfulness to newcomers at the Brixton Buddhist Centre. Prior to this, Pam worked as a Senior Leader with Children and Families in social care. Pam has been living with chronic pain for the last 6 years and has found mindfulness approaches transformative.
Pam is co-leading this course as part of her Breathworks accreditation process.
We’ll email you a few times a month about our upcoming events, providing all the links you need to join in.